visit workshop
1 °) tour of the workshop:
A visit to the workshop of Maintenon is possible by taking an appointment by phone + 33 6 76 38 54 54, or by mail with the address
The Milo Dias’ workshop is located in an ancient building of EDF called “L’Usine à Gaz” (the gas plant). This room is located right next to the train station of Maintenon. His address is as follows:
“L’atelier de Milo Dias”, L’Usine à Gaz, 2 route du Parc, 28130 Maintenon.
2 °) journey by train:
The route between gare Montparnasse in Paris and Maintenon station is 55 minutes. There are trains roughly every hour, and every half hour, the morning and evening rush hours.
3 °) drive:
Can be accessed by road taking the A13, then the A12, then a piece of no. 12, and finally toward Nogent, before arriving at Maintenon. It is a pleasant road which runs first the forest of Fontainebleau, then that of Rambouillet. On weekends, and out the traffic hours, the Paris-Maintenon road time can be in 1:15 hour

4 °) local tourism:
Why not take advantage of the visit to the Milo Dias Show Room to do some tourism in the region of Maintenon. The Maintenon city lie in the Eure Valley. It is a beautiful green valley that crosses the Beauce between Chartres and Dreux, rich in essential heritage, including the Cathedral of Chartres, the castle of Madame de Maintenon, the favourite of Louis XIV, the renaissance city of Nogent-le-roi, the royal Chapel of Dreux, and not so far the royal castle of Rambouillet
Within a radius of 20 km around Maintenon, you can visit as well:
- The city of Chartres, with its Cathedral and its unusual singular art museum, the Museum Picassiette (chartres-tourism)
- The Château de Mme de Maintenon, the favourite of Louis XIV (tourism in Maintenon)
- Medieval Boisricheux farm at Pierres
- The city of Nogent-le-roi, with its Renaissance style Castle, its Park, its Church of the 15th and half-timbered houses (nogentleroi – /)
- The town of Dreux, with Royal Chapel (off. Tourism of Dreux)
- The town of Rambouillet with its royal castle, its forests and its Bergerie Nationale (rambouillet-tourism)
(One day is not enough!)
5 °) local accommodation:
If you are rich, you can come and try the new hotel 5 stars: Castel de Maintenon
If you prefer the tranquility and charm of a bed and breakfast, you can choose between several ones around Maintenon