Small works
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Dream Boxes (2008):
For a long time I wanted to combine my clay “lovely little faces”, with photographs in the background, in order to give a glimpse of the different dreams of these characters. The idea of box is necessary to allow the association of these two modes of expression.
Of course, eroticism is very present in these various more or less authorized reveries.
Murals (2009):
The idea of this series is to get away from the knick-knack aspect of small sculptures to create a kind of scene that can hang on a wall. For a sculptor it’s somewhat equivalent to the role that the sketchbook plays for the painter.
Whether in dream boxes or in murals, many of these heads were made un raku. This technique, widely used in Japan and also in France, is generally used to treat utility ceramics.
If used on sculpture, it can sometimes accentuate the tragedy of certain expressions. For more information, see additionnal details on this technique.
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